
2025 Multi-Platform Convention Online Session Viewing / Registration

Welcome Greeting & Keynote Speaker
Please join Chief Superintendent, Christopher Usih, and Staff Association Chairperson Rae-Ann Royal virtually at 9:00am Thursday February 16, 2023 of Convention for opening greetings.  Following our greetings, we are delighted to announce, that Stephanie Staples, will be joining us on Thursday February 16, 2023.

Stephanie Staples

Online Registration

Online Convention registration will begin on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 6:00 pm through our ‘Member log-in’.

Multi-Platform Convention Session Links
The links for virtual Convention sessions will be emailed to registrants no later than Wednesday, February 12th, 2025.

Online Session Evaluations

Convention evaluations play an integral role in assisting the Convention Committee in selecting sessions.  Online evaluations are available from Thursday, February 13, 2025, through Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 6 pm. 

After the Convention, please login through our Member Login and select the ‘My Convention’ tab and then click on the ‘Convention Feedback’ button to complete. 

Door Prizes
For those members who complete their ‘Convention Feedback’ you will automatically be entered into a computer-generated door prize draw.  The lucky winners will be notified via email no later than Thursday, February 27, 2025. Good Luck!

Member Gifts

There will be no member gifts at this year’s convention.

Article 10 – Staff Association Convention
10.1 Continuous and term-specific employees will be allowed at least two (2) days, with pay, to attend the annual Staff Association Convention unless operational/work requirements prevent the absence from work of an employee for both days, in which case the employee will be allowed at least one (1) day, with pay, to attend.  Employees not required to work either of the days of the Staff Association Convention shall not be entitled to receive additional compensation for time spent at the Staff Association Convention.

Please note:  Continuous employees – if you are not at work you are expected to attend the Convention.  If you are not at the Convention, you need to have made alternate arrangements with your immediate supervisor as you are paid for the two days during the Convention.  This means taking personal days, vacation days, utilizing lieu time or taking the days without pay.